Is The Transition To Microservices Over For Businesses?

Is The Transition To Microservices Over For Businesses?

Do you think that replacing phones is an ongoing process? We buy phones every year. And here it is: as long as there is a need for speed in adapting to the market, some changes will be required. This does not mean that we refuse ordinary things.

We cannot immediately embrace and redo everything. We have a legacy, standard integration service that we had before: enterprise buses. But there is a backlog, and there is a need too. At the same time, no one says you will be given 30% more money. On the one hand, there are needs, and on the other, the search for efficiency.

We do not have revolutionary approaches. Systematic work is underway to decompose systems so that they are more in line with the microservice architecture.

Microservices – Hype Or Necessity?

I support that everything is closer to the client and the consumer. The greatest business benefit and value is adaptability and focus on speed, change, “try, cancel, reuse, do something else” are needed.” – the lightest, simple solutions are required there.

We see this development:

  • core information systems (mostly back office);
  • Middle layers in the form of microservices connect the core, aggregate, create a cache, and so on;
  • Front-line systems are aimed at the consumer;
  • An integration layer is generally integrated into marketplaces, other systems, and ecosystems. This layer is as light as possible and simple; it has a minimum of business logic.

But at the same time, I am a supporter of continuing to use the old principles if they are used correctly.

Microservices And HR

There are several problems. The technology is new. This is hype in a good way, and finding a specialist who will understand and be able to create this is a big challenge. Another problem – although this is good – is internal competition. People are different. Some are used to writing in Java, and those compose and use Docker and Kubernetes. These are completely different people; they speak differently, use additional terms, and sometimes do not understand each other. In this sense, the ability or inability to share practice and knowledge sharing is also a problem.

HR asks, “Where is your pink unicorn between backend and frontend?” HR doesn’t understand what a microservice is. We revealed the secret to them and said that it was the backend who did everything, and there was no unicorn there. But HR is changing, learning quickly, and recruiting people with basic IT knowledge.


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